Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog Assignment #2

1. Stories of Edgar Allen Poe: I particularly enjoy stories that have an imminent sense of doom (ex--The Fall of the House of Usher, The Tell-Tale Heart,). His stories always explore a sense of insanity that I find fascinating. I find it particularly interesting that the narrarator usually brings about his own demise or gives himself away. In addition to his psychologically riveting works, Poe writes sensational detective stories (ex--the Purloined Letter) that often challenge the conventional way of thinking
2. The Little Prince/ the Three Musketeers- I enjoy them because I have read them in English, French, and Bulgarian--this multilingual reading allows me to compare the ways in which a certain language can convey specific thoughts and ideas better than another. For the Little Prince, I felt i got the most out of reading the Bulgarian version, but for the Three Musketeers, I felt that English was the best conduit for the author's sentiments (although at the time when I read it in French, my French-speaking skills were not up to par, so perhaps French may be better for this book).
3. The Count of Monte Cristo- this is just a book that I enjoy reading over and over simply because it is a wonderful story and deals with revenge. The book inspired me to view the movie production, although it was not as pleasant as the book itself. (I tend to like books because they allow you the freedom of imagining the characters and actions the way you see it)
4. The Zombie Survivor Guide- I like reading this book because it is particularly useful in case of an attack from zombies. It tells you all the necessary details about surviving whether you are with a group or facing the outbreak on your own
5. The Most Dangerous Game- I remember reading this when I was little, and I found the general idea to be very interesting


  1. Ivaylo--I too loved Poe and the Dumas adventure novels (doesn't one of them have an old man who gives his grand-daughter tiny amounts of poison to immunize her so that she can survive when his enemies try to murder her?). But I have to admit that I never came across the Zombie guide, although I liked the irony of your description that it could be "particularly useful" in case of attack. Nice!

  2. PS-- P L E A S E turn off word verification ! ! ! !
